Where to dance in Tula

All about dancing in Tula. Dance studios directory, calendar of dance events and parties, dance news

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Ballet, Strip-dance, Stretching

Театр танца Экспромт

Contemporary dance, Hustle, Contact improvisation, Modern-jazz, Ballet, Irish, Flamenco, Step, Belly dance, Arabic Folklore, Strip-dance, Go-Go, Disco, Stretching, Latina, Fitness

Школа бального танца Эдельвейс

Ballet, Latin ballroom, Standard ballroom

Школа танцев Стаценко Марии Mega-Dance

Modern, Modern-jazz, Ballet, Lezginka, Flamenco, Historical, Hip Hop, Belly dance, Strip-dance, Zumba, Go-Go, Stretching, Pole Dance, Latina, Pilates, Latin ballroom, Standard ballroom

Студия современного танца Джайв

Contemporary dance, Flamenco, Hip Hop, Krump, Belly dance, Strip-dance, Tectonic, Go-Go, Disco, Dancehall, R'n'B , Stretching, Latina, Pilates
